Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My Poetry!

She flits back and forth between worlds,

this felicitous fliss,
faerie of unseen streams,
sprite plagued by early night,
pixie of sharp-toothed dreams,

she alights like a cat on a windowsill
locked-gaze tail-tip flips,
voice sipping from the english well,
words tripping out like bells

tinny but firm, warm and canny,
collected, minted, sprinted
trading tacts as needs require,
trading lute for sword, shield for lyre,

self-assurance sings proud harmony
from gold glint of red hair
from freckles on face fair
and from behind the shadows of her eyes.

from hiding it sings out
so all the world can hear,
all but the singer's bearer
the nimble wide-eyed faerie

her own warmth flees her body
lest it scorch her,
her own light bends around her eyes
lest it blind her,
her own voice sounds to her a stranger
lest it shake her,

and so she taps foot impetuous
for new stories to anticipate and to remember


Seeking out another daemon
for her collection,
the sort that coos
struts preens her
perched on shoulder
one to whisper secrets in the dark,

another portal to prism worlds
another funhouse mirror mask
another voice in the chromatic chorus

another tendril stretching out
another tap root reaching down
another bond to warm strong earth

compelled to tease and to console,
grinning daemon in her bag
delighting in my daemon role,

peeking out in furtive looks
shyly out up upon her face
then flee to hidden darkness
to daemon desires sate
and whether it ended win or fail
back to tell the winking tale

told to bleed the liquid out
told for mischief or for moral
told with pride or with chagrin
told for a chide or for a grin
told to stretch time or remember
told to feed the burning ember.


Whimsy haired harrowed-eyed
fire faerie fliss
curses falcon with delight when missed,

falcon, cat, ferret, bat unseen
blight her light air temperament
stalk her real day, and night dream.

she fashions from firs crude effigies,
kisses them misses them
worships their blazing agonies

dances bold spite in beloved ashes,
mask incomplete against outward sorrow
still ever watchful of shadow's morrow

ever on jaded bleary-eyed alert
ever preyed by sharp-toothed jaws
out-stretched claws
hooked beak maws,
she flees her world, takes flight
to seek sun amidst her night

reaches out to heat-kissed climes
to glowing worlds of ease and limes
shiny new with scarce the scars of time
and there arrives still weary still alert,
to sound and memory pointed ears still perk,
worlds apart, yet finds there too shadows lurk

the sun unsheathed reaches ever higher,
shadows the deeper for sun the brighter.
vivid reminders of the great unlit fire

pyre towering in separated minds
pyre ensconced by distance and time
pyre unlit by burning ember mine


Here we sit on toadstools,
looking out across
the wide white ring,
scrunched-face tongues out
:P :P

threads twin the old dance
in the new strange flying way,
separated by glass,
lost across worlds
am i not a sufficient muse, you ask

winked guiles, ambiguous smiles,
when heart's at cross with mind
noon-time lightning dreams drift by
red-haired white pixie fury-lit sky

wind paves, hair waves
baby cries, hair flies
lip bears, hair tears
baby lies, tree sighs

rain-washed time lingers,
kind familiar aches
dry mineral taste
(stone ever flakes),

threads twin the old dance
in the new strange flying way,
separated by glass,
lost across worlds
am i not a sufficient muse, you ask

and here yet we remain on toadstools,
looking out across
the wide blazing magic ring,
scrunched-face tongues out
:P :P

it is the mirthful squint of eyes unseen
that urges me write to the english dawn,
it is the pink of our outstretched tongues
that makes me smile that wry smile

how I came to my felicity
how sprites sprint spinningly
why pixies sip the bitterblossom
why faeries flit between worlds,

if I have an inkling
it's above us winking,

trees still sighing
hair ever flying
bells ever ringing
plump pink raspberries ever singing